Child Support Program

Child Support Program

Every single child deserves a safe home, education, and simple basic necessities. At Child Support Centre (CSC), our goal as an organisation is to support these children and create opportunities for them to flourish in the community. We’re focused at creating an enabling environment where every child is safe and protected against any form of violence, has an opportunity to learn from a quality education centre, has access to quality healthcare, safe and clean water as well as living decently.

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Our Strategic Aims:

  • To establish an enabling environment where children in can attain quality basic education.
  • To increase on access to safe and clean running water for children in schools.
  • Leverage the building project and provide decent education environment of the vulnerable children.
  • Establish Child Support Centre that provide quality basic education to children in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Partner with different individuals and other charity organisations around the globe with similar goals of enhancing the survival, safety and education of the children.
  • A community without child marriage where girls and women enjoy equal status with boys and men and are able to achieve their full potential in all aspects of their lives.
  • Enhance and strengthen efforts to end child marriage at every level.
  • To offer basic and vocational education to the poor, needy youth, orphans and vulnerable children.
  • Promote child rights and to lift children and youths out of poverty in low resourced area
  • We strengthen inclusive early childhood development.
  • We advance inclusive education.
  • We build inclusive child protection systems.
  • Provides full-day learning experiences to children from our local community
  • We provide of psychosocial support, guidance and counselling
  • We provide home-away-from-home services to children and their caretakers.
  • ‘that every child should have the opportunity to experience the joys of childhood.’
  • • We provide skills to the guardians to empower them.

Providing Education and Community Empowerment

  • For children who have relatives they may be able to live with, but who cannot provide for schooling and therefore end up dropping out, with little in the way of future prospects
  • To support with school fees,meals, school uniform and basic health and sanitary care.
  • Each of our children attends primary and secondary school, as well as receiving vocational training in practical life skills
  • We offer hope and a future to vulnerable, underprivileged children and young adults with a loving home, social support, education, health care and skills.

Sponsor a Child

The lead cause for school dropouts in Kenya is poverty. Most families survive on less than 1 or 2 US-$ per day and parents from such families often cannot afford paying school fees and providing school requirements for their children. Our team in Kenya and local team from work together to provide love, care and a home for children at The Child Support Centre.